Stephanie Gibbs

fitness coach + gardening practitioner


Stephanie Gibbs

Captured in her natural habitat: barefoot surrounded by flourishing containers.

Stephanie Gibbs, small town, rural Oklahoma native who calls Tulsa’s midtown home, built her life on a foundation of building things with your own two hands and navigating life’s chaos by honing in on the variables you’re able to control: moving your mind and your body.

With a bachelor’s degree in nursing layered with an an enneagram 2 wing 1, helping people is engrained in her DNA.

From front porch container installs to daily workouts from her office/gym/sewing room/hideout from the kids room, Stephanie is opening the circle to allow anyone who is interested to join.

Whether you’re still praying for a green thumb and haven’t considered “working out” in years, or if you’re leaning into a multi-acre edible garden and have personal planking records to break, there’s room for everyone in this space.

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Here for the Beachbody link?

Ready to make small changes? I host a monthly challenge group for women and men in all stages of fitness.